Monday, October 7, 2013

Camreon's Birthday

This post is very late coming seeing as Cameron's birthday was September 23rd. Mike spent all of last week in Taiwan on business and by the end of the day after putting all three kids to bed (Julia numerous times corralling into her bed) and cleaning the house I was tired. So now it is catch up time on the blog.
Cameron had a batman theme party. He is officially 2 years old or "ni-sei" here in Japan. Julia and Luke had school on his birthday so we had a little family party with 1 other expat family, the Gepfords, at our house. We had pasta, pizza, cake and ice cream. Cameron had a great time with the batman streamers, balloons, and all of his batman presents!
Here are some pictures!



  1. What a cute birthday boy! I wish we could have been there.

  2. Good job on the cake!! Cam looks like he is having fun surrounded by everyone!!
