Sunday, November 24, 2013


 These are almost a month late in coming but life gets busy around the holidays even if you are not in the USA. In Japan Halloween is not an official holiday. The Japanese love Halloween and do big parties on the weekends in October but there is no trick or treating and no parties at school on Halloween. The international school held a Halloween party on November 1st this year and Julia and Luke were allowed to wear their costumes to school on that day. At first they were disappointed that nothing was taking place on October 31st. However, I told them that since Japan is a day ahead due to time differences  Halloween doesn't take place in Japan until it is Halloween in the USA. That seemed to make sense to all and luckily to my relief everyone was on board with that plan!!
Just for a special treat though we did let the kids dress up on Oct. 31st and we met up with the Gepford family at a local bakery and ate some yummy desserts.

The bakery is next door to a floral shop and the owner of the floral shop and her family were so excited to see our children dressed up that they had to have their picture taken with the kids in their costumes. The owner also quickly put together little treat bags so that the kids would receive a treat when they said  "trick or treat" to her family.

 Of all the kids though, Cameron was the most excited about his costume. When I pulled out the costumes the day before Halloween he found the Batman costume and went crazy. He wore it straight for 3 days. He slept in it, ate in it, and went everywhere in it! By the end of the school party he was exhausted from all the excitement!

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