Sunday, January 19, 2014


Ever wanted to travel to a tropical island for the holidays? You look at the pictures of white sand beaches, blue waters, and lots of sunshine from your home in the midst the cold, gray, snowy, rainy winter months and think someday....!! Well, we actually made our "someday dream" come true this year. For Christmas we headed down to the island of Guam and spent 4 days soaking in the sunshine and enjoying 86F weather everyday. Guam is the largest and southernmost of the Mariana Islands. The island is an unincorporated territory of the United States in the Western Pacific Ocean.
Guam is only about a 3 1/2 hour flight from Hiroshima and with some unused United Airline miles leftover from the summer that were going to expire in January we were sold.
Everyone had a great time. The kids could not get enough of the ocean and the hotel's pool. We did a little bit of exploring the island but really spent most of the time in the water.
 View of the coast line of Tumon Bay from Two Lover's Point.
Luke and Cameron at the beach!

 The hotel we stayed at had an awesome pool facility with 2 waterslides, a winding river you could swim in, a children's pool, and 3 other pools. The kids spent every waking minute on the water slides. As always we had to take a picture of Cameron with his googles on- his favorite form of eye protection!


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