Monday, August 5, 2013

Take Off

As we start our two year adventure in Hiroshima, Japan we decided that we needed to journal/ document all of the adventures we will have. Mike and I don't have a great track record when it comes to journaling, so we are hoping that living in Asia might kick our bottoms into gear! We are excited for our adventure and thought we should document our statuses at the beginning:
* Julia= 7 years old 2 1/2 months old, 49 inches tall, 48 lbs, entering 2nd grade, loves to sing, tease her brothers, move at all times (running, jumping, riding bikes, dancing in the middle of the airport, however her body feels like moving!) & asks a million questions!
*Luke= 5 years old 6 1/2 months old, 42 inches tall, 32 lbs (this is a guess-lets say he is super skinny), entering kindergarten, loves the Wii and staying home to play with toys, and told us he will never, ever, ever, try any new Japanese food!
*Cameron= 1 years old 10 months old, 32 inches tall, 22 lbs (even the Japanese babies are bigger than him!). Loves to copy Luke and Julia, pretends he can tell knock-knock jokes, loves batman and wants to wear his cape all day long. Super cute and mom's little buddy!
*Mike & LesliAnn= Age and weight don't need to be documented- we are just to plain old! We can hardly believe that in 12 years of marriage we have had 3 children, lived in Idaho, Virginia, Utah, and now find ourselves in Asia for 2 years.
Anyways- enough about us- lets talk about Japan! First off we traveled across the ocean and to Asia with 3 children and survived!!! Our flights left on Friday, July 26th from Salt Lake City and we headed to Denver, then to Tokyo, and finally to Hiroshima. The kids did great on the flights, even the 12 hour Denver to Tokyo flight. Unfortunately, our flight into Tokyo was late and we missed our connection flight to Hiroshima and ended up spending the night in Tokyo. So...... after 36 hours of traveling we finally made it to Hiroshima! The funniest thing about the whole experience though was the amount of luggage we took- my mom would appreciate my fondness for packing a lot of stuff, but I think this time I beat my own record! We had 5 pieces of carry on luggage, a stroller, 2 car seats, a pack-n-play, and 7 suitcases= 14 pieces in all. When we reached Japan everyone was astonished. The bus attendant at the Hiroshima train station couldn't stop laughing at us!!
Here are some pics to prove it! 




  1. looks like Freshman year at BYU!!! But then it was just you-now you have the same stuff for 5 people.

  2. Super fun! We're excited to follow your adventures.

  3. And Mike always just took a backpack (except when he went hunting and then they needed a pickup AND a trailer).

    Love your blog, LesliAnn!
