Sunday, August 18, 2013

The many faces of Cameron

Cameron is a bit of a hit here in Japan. Everyone loves his blonde, blonde hair and the fact that he is so little. Where ever we go people will stare at him, say hi to him, and touch his head. At the aquarium this weekend some little old lady loved him so much she went and bought him an ice cream cone without even asking us!! Lets say he loved the old lady too! I feel like he is changing really fast too these days. He all of a sudden went from a baby to a little boy who loves batman, wants to do everything himself, loves the water, tells knock-knock jokes, and can raise as much chaos as his older siblings. He is super funny, really good at saying ohayo goziamas (good morning), loves to give mom hugs, and his favorite word is "no". Now he can put together sentences like "no mamma no", "No Julia, go away".
Here are few faces of Cameron:

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