Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Baseball- A Nation's Obsession

One of the fun things to do on a summer night in Japan is attend a baseball game. Baseball is the most popular sport in Japan and the Japanese people are very loyal fans. In Hiroshima we have a major league team named the "Carps". They actually pronounce the name "car-pu". The Carps have a huge beautiful stadium right by the Costco (which is my home away from home).  Last week we took the kids and met some other American expats and attended a game.
 I have to admit that the Japanese baseball games are a lot more fun than an American baseball game. The Japanese fans create an individual cheer for each baseball player and chant the cheer when they come up to bat. Whenever your team scores a homerun the fans have a whole cheer that is almost a song and dance routine they do. Everyone has these miniature bats and does the cheer with the bats. At the end of the cheer they scream "bonsai, bonsai, bonsai" really loud. At the game there was a young couple who sat behind us and in their broken English they taught Luke all of the cheers.

The fans are so loyal that no one ever leaves the game earlier, even it they are losing 0-8.

On the way to the game we passed by a whole series of picture taking scenes. The kids loved standing in front of them and pretending they were being eaten by dragons and crocodiles!

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